We wish to encourage travellers to consider all options carefully this holiday season when faced with delays and cancelations in their travel plans.

Here at GPA we are committed to providing the best possible travel experience. Although we have no direct role in our airline partners’ operational challenges we do wish to assist where possible to help travellers navigate the system.

At this time we wish to advise travellers to make informed decisions during this peak travel season. Consult with your airline while considering alternatives. We are hearing stories of travellers choosing to drive to their next closest connection when the first point of their departure is delayed or unavailable only to discover their next connection is canceled. In some instances travellers may not be advising their airline of their intention to drive to their next connection which can result in their connecting flight reservation being canceled if they did not show up for the first flight of the trip.

Airline and airport frontline staff are dedicated to finding you alternatives to unplanned interruptions.

Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.