Hotel Shuttles
Hotel Shuttle Service is available from the Grande Prairie Airport Terminal Building to the following hotels, all hotels are located a short distance from the Grande Prairie Airport.
Best Western Grande Prairie Hotel & Suites | 780-876-0367 |
Holiday Inn & Suites | 780-876-0367 |
Redwood Inn & Suites | 780-357-1916 |
Super 8 Motel | 780-876-0367 |
The following hotels provide a limited courtesy shuttle service to and from the Grande Prairie Airport:
Holiday Inn Express Grande Prairie | 1-877-814-9336 |
Pomeroy Hotel & Conference Centre | 780-532-5221 |
Ramada Inn & Travel Centre | 1-877-814-7448 |
Stanford Hotel & Resorts | 1-800-661-8160 |
A full list of hotels located in the City of Grande Prairie are found on Grande Prairie Regional Tourism website at Hotel, Motel & Inn Listings